Coleen Cusack: A Dedicated Advocate for San Diego City Council District 3

Coleen Cusack

Coleen Cusack is a passionate and dedicated candidate running for San Diego City Council District 3. With a deep-rooted connection to the district and a commitment to public service, Coleen offers a wealth of experience and a unique and refreshing perspective.

A long-time resident of District 3, Coleen has proudly called this vibrant community her home for over 25 years. Her journey in San Diego began when she moved here to attend law school in District 3, a decision that would shape her life and her dedication toward making a difference.  Coleen had offices in several district neighborhoods: downtown, Golden Hill and Banker’s Hill.  Coleen chose North Park, as she fell in love with the neighborhood's unique charm and diverse architecture. Coleen and her sister settled with their families in North Park where their children, all now adults, attended neighborhood schools and played in sports at the community parks.

As an experienced trial attorney, Coleen challenged the Red Light Camera Photo Enforcement program operated by a national defense contractor. She eventually secured the dismissal of hundreds of her client’s cases and, ultimately, the termination of the program city-wide.  

Driven by her passion for education and a desire to make a positive impact, Coleen next transitioned into academia shortly after the birth of her son. For eighteen years, she taught undergraduate and graduate students at the University of Phoenix, including law enforcement professionals seeking career advancement. Her expertise in criminal justice led to an opportunity to develop a comprehensive curriculum for the university's Criminal Justice Program, benefiting faculty and students across the country.

Coleen Cusack speaking with community members

Coleen's commitment to experiential learning and justice extended beyond the university setting. As the Director of the Bail Project and later as the Founder and Supervising Attorney of the Pro Bono Traffic Court Clinic at California Western School of Law, she provided invaluable guidance and mentorship to law students. Her dedication to helping others also led her to serve as a K-12 substitute teacher in San Diego Unified schools, addressing the critical shortage of teachers and substitutes in the district.

Throughout her career, Coleen has consistently fought for justice and fairness. She is known for taking on challenging cases and representing marginalized individuals, particularly those experiencing homelessness. Her pro bono legal services have made a significant impact in ensuring access to justice for the most vulnerable members of our community. Coleen's tireless efforts in reducing inequities and defending the rights of the marginalized have earned her respect and admiration.

Community service is deeply ingrained in Coleen's values. She has been actively involved in various organizations and causes, including being a founding board member of Community Advocates for Just and Moral Governance (MoGo). Coleen's work with MoGo aimed to create a more just and accountable government, ensuring that all individuals, especially those marginalized by society, have their voices heard. Her volunteer work with the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest further reflects her commitment to advocating for civil rights and reproductive justice.

Bisexual and an early adopter of polyamory, Coleen understands the challenges and discrimination that persons in the LGBTQ+ community face. She has been a staunch ally and advocate, actively supporting the rights and safety of LGBTQ+ individuals and hosted a monthly support group for five years.  Coleen's inclusive approach extends beyond her personal experiences, as she seeks to create a safe and accepting environment for all residents of San Diego.

In her free time, Coleen indulges in her passion for chess. She has played the game throughout her life and has been a coach for early chess learners. Coleen recognizes the transformative power of chess and aims to promote the sport in San Diego schools, substance abuse and recovery centers, mental health day centers, recreational centers, and parks.

Coleen Cusack is not your typical politician. Her diverse background and extensive experiences have shaped her into a compassionate and driven advocate for District 3. With a focus on transparency, accountability, and community engagement, she aims to build a district that is inclusive, prosperous, and responsive to the needs of all residents. Coleen's unwavering dedication to public service and her passion for making a difference make her an exceptional candidate for the San Diego City Council District 3 seat.